
Unleash your kids creativity

Storylane Features

Storylane is a fun and easy way for kids to write story books, comics, poems, and more. Kids can choose books from different genres. Parents and Teaches can also read and comment on kids' stories, and join a community of young writers.

Features on Storylane Tailored
for Teachers


Teachers can inspire and guide their students to unleash their creativity and improve their writing skills. Teachers can create and manage classes, assign tasks, monitor progress, and give feedback on students’ stories.

  • Interactive Dashboard​
  • Student Management
  • Class Management
  • Assignment Management
  • Profile Settings
  • Review and Grade

Unique Features of Storylane
for Guardian

Guardians can support and encourage their children to develop creativity and writing skills. Guardians can create and manage your child’s account, assign books and tasks, monitor progress, and give feedback on the child’s stories.

  • Interactive Dashboard​
  • Student Management
  • Class Management
  • Assignment Management
  • Profile Settings
  • Review and Grade

Spark creativity in children with
Storylane's writing tools


Storylane, a kid’s story writing platform is a fun and educational online platform that helps children develop their creativity and writing skills. With the Kids Story Writing Platform, children get:

  • Interactive Dashboard​
  • Library
  • Write stories
  • Voice-to-text feature