Cancellation/Refund Policy

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1. Cancellation of Subscription

  • Users may cancel their subscriptions at any time through their account settings.
  • Upon cancellation, users will retain access to premium features until the end of the current billing cycle.
  • No further charges will be made after cancellation.

2. Refund Policy

  • Monthly and Quarterly Plans: Refunds are generally not provided for unused portions of the subscription.
  • Exceptional Cases: Refunds may be issued in case of technical errors or failure of service, evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Shipping / Delivery Policy

  1. At Storylane, we provide digital products and services, which are available for access immediately after purchase or subscription. Since our offerings are entirely digital, no physical shipping or delivery is required.
  2. Subscriptions to our services are automatically billed based on the agreed subscription plan. You will continue to have uninterrupted access to our digital services unless you cancel your subscription before the renewal date.

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